Interdisciplinary International Conference on AIDS Law and Humanity Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 58
TitleAuthor(s)Year of PublicationSubject
HIV-Positive files suit : He Allows trial by pseudonyms, Hindustan Times, dated 15.8.1995-1995-
Part III : Select Writings-1995-
June E.Osborn, Public Health and the Politics of AIDS prevention, Daedalus, VoI.113(3), 123-144, 1989-1995-
M.R.Smaliman-Raynor and A.D.Cliff, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) : literature, geographical origins and global patterns, Progress in Human Geography, Vol. 14, 1990-1995-
Michael Bloor, David Goldberg and John Emslie, Ethnostatics and the AIDS epidemic, British Journal of Soclolog}', Vol. 42, No.1, 131-138, 1991-1995-
Joseph A.Catania, David R.Gibson, Dale D.Chitwood, Thomas J.Coates, Methodological Problems in AIDS Behavioral Research : Influences on Measurement Error and Participation Bias in Studies of Sexual Behavior, Psychological Bulletin, Vol. 108, No.3, 339- 362, 1990-1995-
Kenneth Keniston, Introduction to the Issue, Daedalus VoI.113(3) IX-XXXII, 1989-1995-
Jonathan Peck and Clement Bezold, Health Care and AIDS, Annals of the MPSS, No. 522, 130-39, July 1992-1995-
A.J.Fortin, AIDS and the Third World : The Politics of International Discourse, Alternatlves [ Vol.](IV, 195-214. 1989-1995-
Meredeth Turshen, US Aid to AIDS in Africa, Review of African Political Economy Vol. 85-55, 95-101,1992-1995-
Ritu Priya, AIDS, Public Health and the Panic Reaction [Part I], The National Medical Journal of India, Vol. 7, No.5, 235-240, 1994-1995-
Willam Cates, Jr and Alan R.Hinman, Sounding Board: AIDS and Absolutism - The Demand for Perfection In Prevention, The New England Journal of Medicine, Vol. 327, No.7, 492-493, 1992-1995-
Steven Nahmias and Charles D.Feinstein, Screening Strategies to Inhibit the Spread of AIDS, Socio-Econ.Plann.Sci. Vol. 24, No.4, 249- 260,1990-1995-
Deborah Lupton, Sophie McCarthy and Simon Chapman, Doing the Right Thing : The Symbolic Meanings and Experiences of Having an HIV Antibody Test, Soc. Sci. Med. Vol. 41, No.2, 173-180, 1995-1995-
"Richard L.North, Karen H.Rothenberg, Sounding Board: Partner Notification and The Threat of Domestic Violence Against Women with HIV Infection, The New England Journal of Medicine, Vol. 329, No. 16, 1194-96, 1993 The New England Journal of Medicine, Vol. 329, No. 16, 1194-96, 1993"-1995-
Gordon D.O.Lowe, Haemophilia, Blood Products and HIV Infection, Scot Med J Vol. 32:109-111, 1987-1995-
D.Miller, S.Kalibala, S.Anderson, J.Emmanuel and A.Petitgirad, Blood Donor Counselling for HIV : Results of a MUlti-country Feasibility Study, Public Health 108, 219-226, 1994-1995-
Marcia Lynn Whicker and Jennie Jacobs Kronenfeld, The Impact of AIDS on Male-Female Relationships, Soclo-Econ. Plan. Sci. Vo1.23. No.4, 203-215,1989-1995-
Deborah A.Wieczorkowski Wanamaker, From Mother to Child ..... A Criminal Pregnancy : Should Crimlnallzatlon of the Prenatal Transfer of AIDS/HIV be the next step in the Battle Against this Deadly Epidemic? 97, Dickinson Law Review, 383-409,1993-1995-
K.J.M.Smith, Sexual Etiquette, Public Interest and the Criminal Law, 42(4) Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly 309, 1991-1995-
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 58


Year of Publication