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Title: Gopal Ramchandra Limaye (Original Plaintiff) Appellant v. Gangaram Anand Shet Marvadi Deceased By His Sons and Heirs Panha and Deva of Whom Panha Deceased By His Brother and Heir Deva Also Deceased BY His Son and Heir Chunilal Minor By His Guardian and Administratrix Mother Nathhibai Kom Deva Gangaram (Original Defendents) Respondents 14-Mar-1895
metadata.dc.volume.number: 20
metadata.dc.year.publication: 1896 Gopal Ramchandra Limaye (Original Plaintiff) Appellant v. Gangaram Anand Shet Marvadi Deceased By His Sons and Heirs Panha and Deva of Whom Panha Deceased By His Brother and Heir Deva Also Deceased BY His Son and Heir Chunilal Minor By His Guardian and Administratrix Mother Nathhibai Kom Deva Gangaram (Original Defendents) Respondents Mr. Justice Charles Sargent, Kt
Mr. Justice Candy
Mr. Justice Fulton
Citation: (1896)ILR20BOM721
Description: Page No-721-728
metadata.dc.language.iso: en
metadata.dc.type: Other
Appears in Collections:Indian Law Reports : Bombay (1896) Volume 20

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