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Title: In The Matter of The Indian Companies Act VI of 1882 and In the Matter of The Indian Specie Bank Ltd (In Liquidation) Sorabji Nurrerwanji Pochkhanwalla (Applicant Appellant v. C.A Patwardhan The Chif of Sangli and Others (Respondents) 18-Feb-1915
metadata.dc.volume.number: 40
metadata.dc.year.publication: 1916 In The Matter of The Indian Companies Act VI of 1882 and In the Matter of The Indian Specie Bank Ltd (In Liquidation) Sorabji Nurrerwanji Pochkhanwalla (Applicant Appellant v. C.A Patwardhan The Chif of Sangli and Others (Respondents) Mr. Justice Basil Scott, Kt
Mr. Justice Davar
Citation: (1916)ILR40BOM134
Description: Page No-134-158
metadata.dc.language.iso: en
metadata.dc.type: Other
Appears in Collections:Indian Law Reports : Bombay (1916) Volume 40

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