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Title: Gangadhar Bin Manik and Other, Heirs and Legal Representa-Tives of Manika Tai Krishna (Original Opponents), Appellants v. Balkrishna Soiraba Kasbekar, Truste of Shri Maha-Dev Temple of Kadvad (Original Applicant), Respondent. 13-Sep-1920
metadata.dc.volume.number: 45
metadata.dc.year.publication: 1921 Gangadhar Bin Manik and Other, Heirs and Legal Representa-Tives of Manika Tai Krishna (Original Opponents), Appellants v. Balkrishna Soiraba Kasbekar, Truste of Shri Maha-Dev Temple of Kadvad (Original Applicant), Respondent. Mr. Justice Norman Macleod, Kt
Mr. Justice Shah
Citation: (1921)ILR45BOM819
Description: Page No-819-829
metadata.dc.language.iso: en
metadata.dc.type: Other
Appears in Collections:Indian Law Reports : Bombay (1921) Volume 45

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