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Title: "Babu Motising, Who Calls Himself Baliram Dagdusing, Minor By His Guardian Ad Litem The Deputy Nazir,District Court, Dhulia (Original Defendant No.1), Appellant v. Durgabai, Widow of Dagdusing and Anothers (Original Plaintiff and Defendant No.2), Respondents " 28-Aug-1928
metadata.dc.volume.number: 53
metadata.dc.year.publication: 1929 "Babu Motising, Who Calls Himself Baliram Dagdusing, Minor By His Guardian Ad Litem The Deputy Nazir,District Court, Dhulia (Original Defendant No.1), Appellant v. Durgabai, Widow of Dagdusing and Anothers (Original Plaintiff and Defendant No.2), Respondents " Mr.Justice Sir Amberson Marten
Mr.Justice Kt
Mr.Justice Murphy
Citation: (1929)ILR53BOM242
Description: Page No-242-251
metadata.dc.language.iso: en
metadata.dc.type: Other
Appears in Collections:Indian Law Reports : Bombay (1929) Volume 53

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