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Title: Sham Koer V. Dah Koer and Rupan Koer V. Dah Koer.Two appeals consosidated. 30-Apr-1902 ; 5-Jun-1902
metadata.dc.volume.number: 1
metadata.dc.year.publication: 1902 Sham Koer V. Dah Koer and Rupan Koer V. Dah Koer.Two appeals consosidated. Justice Lords Macnaghten
Lord Lindley
Sir Ford North
Sir Andrew Scoble
Sir Arthur Wilson.
Citation: (1902)1CalLR940
Description: Page No- 940-947
metadata.dc.language.iso: en_US
metadata.dc.type: Book
Appears in Collections:Indian High Court Reports-Calcutta (1902) Volume 01

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