Bengal Law Report (1871) Volume 07 Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 133
TitleAuthor(s)Year of PublicationSubject
Lala Gundar Lal Vhabibannissa and other .-1871-
Lakhi Prya Debi V. Khyrulla Kazi and another .-1871-
The Queen V. Ameer Khan and others.-1871-
In the Matter of the Petition of the Government of Bengal. The Queen V. Ameer Khan and others.-1871-
Thakur Das V. Futteh Mull-1871-
Goursimull and another V. Dhansuk Das and another .-1871-
Prince Gholam Mahomed Defendant V. Indrachand Jahuri Plaintiff.-1871-
The Queen V. Kali Chandra Shah and Mahima Ranjan Roy Chowdhry.-1871-
The Queen V. Ballabh kant Rhuttacharjee and others.-1871-
Garind Chandra Dutt V. Ganga Dhye and others. Nalit Mohan Das V. Ganga Dhye and others.-1871-
Ramhari Sarma Plaintiff V. Trihiram Sarama and others Defendants-1871-
Ram Chandra Tantra Das V. Dharmo Narayan Chuckerbutty-(1871)7BengLR341-
Gaur HariDutt and Others Plaintff V. Radha Gabind Shaha Defendant.-1871-
The East Indian Railway Company V. The Australasian Insurance Company-1871-
Somarimull V. Bhairo Das Johury.-1871-
Badarannissa Bibi V. Mafiattala-1871-
Badarannissa Bibi V. Mafiattala-1871-
The Queen V. Ramkrishna Das and anther.-1871-
The Collector of Hoogly on behalf of Government, and Baboo Iswar Chandra Mitter V. Tarak Nath Mukhopadhya .-1871-
Inhabitants of Mahaligpore V. Anderson.-1871-
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 133